Manage your kids entertainment activities new way
How kidsapp works
● Get free analytics on how your kids are using apps
● Set weekly time limit for entertainment apps
● Add valuable tasks to increase weekly apps limit
● Get push notifications when your kid starts and finish using entertainment apps
How kids evolve with Kidsapp
Start motivating your kid with Kidsapp
KidsApp user
● Highly motivated
● Productive
● Grateful
Normal kid
● Stress
● Low motivation
● Bad mood
How kids evolve with Kidsapp
Analyse how and when you kid is using entertainment apps
Add entertainment app to the special list
Motivate you kid to do good jobs to add more time for entertainment
Partnership with us
Enaza Apps OOO

INN 5905059842

426011, Udmurtia Republic, Izhevsk, Deryabina 3/4, office 225/2

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